Jibs are screw on holds that can be used directly on the wall but also are great for volumes, aretes, and angle changes.

Complex Jibs have an angle built in so they can be used to block, i.e. they fill the space between the grip on a Complex hold and the wall which allows you to dial in the grip difficulty.

Complex jibs that bridge the gap between volumes and the wall make a more organic climbing experience.

Mega Jibs are larger jibs that work for the same purposes as the above and also make excellent low angle/slab holds and tricky/tensiony feet.

Jibs can also be screwed onto to other holds to modify the grip. Depending on the situation, we often recommend a backer plate when screwing into PU/Fiberglass.

Some walls are screw-on only, and our bigger jibs and fiberglass volumes work well for this. Most of our Smooth Tufa system and other newer large PU holds have the option to be screwed on only using predrilled, washered screw points.

As with any hold, make sure your attachment system is secure and strong enough for your uses.

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