Color Options
Kilter Grips, Haptic, F-Bloc and Urban Plastix are available in a wide variety of colors at no additional cost.
Some of our holds are made in the USA at Aragon and others are made in Europe at Composite-X. If the SKU has an X in it, the set is made in Europe.
Example: K128 and UP004 are made at Aragon in the USA, KX056 and UPX004 are made at Composite-X in Europe.
See color comparisons below and full color charts lower down.
If you are in a hurry we often have shelf stock available in various colors. Shelf stock can ship asap.
If you want to know what we have in stock, click here: Setter Closet In Stock
Color Comparison Photos
Aragon // Composite-X // Fiberglass
Here are comparison photos of some colors:
Walltopia-made Fiberglass colors are on wood squares.
Composite-X-made Dannomond PU colors are small triangles or small squares with a screw hole in the center.
Aragon-made Elastomeric PU colors are big rectangles w/bolt hole in the center.

Red - Aragon Bright Red 11-24 is an OK match with Dannomond Standard Traffic Red 5 and Walltopia Fiberglass Red
Aragon Red 11-24 is not Standard Aragon Red, it is a brighter red made to match better with the Dannomond PU red.

Standard Reds - Not Great Match
This shows Dannomond Traffic Red 5 (front hold) against Aragon's Standard Red 11-12 (back hold). You can see the Aragon 11-12 is a bit darker. The Aragon Bright Red 11-24 pictured in the array above is a closer match to this Dannomond Traffic Red 5.

Squash Orange - Close Match
Fiberglass Orange - Aragon Squash Orange 14-06 match each other pretty well.
Standard Orange - Close Match
Aragon Standard Orange 14-01 and Dannomond Orange 76 match each other quite well on the wall and many gyms use them interchangeably.

Neon Orange 14-11 - Close Match
Fiberglass Neon Orange - Dannomond Fluoro Orange and Aragon Dayglo Orange 14-11
These go together quite well.

Standard Yellow - Close Match
Fiberglass Yellow - Dannomond Bright Yellow 2 - Aragon Yellow 15-12
These go together fairly well on the wall and many gyms use them interchangeably.

Standard Green - Close Match
Fiberglass Standard Green - Dannomond Green 77 - Aragon Green 16-16
These go together very well, unlike Lime Green (below).

Lime Green - No Match
These two do not match at all.

Fluoro Green - Close Match
Fiberglass Fluoro Green - Dannomond Fluoro Green 12 - Aragon Alien Green 16-29
These go together very well, but unfortunately the Dannomond Fluoro Green 12 color is not guaranteed to be stable so check with us for the current manufacturer projection for this color if you want it. We cannot take returns for color on these, they are "order at your own risk".

Standard Blues - Ok, Not Exact Match
Fiberglass - Dannomond Sky Blue 7 - Aragon Blue 13-01
The Fiberglass matches better with the Aragon Blue than this picture shows. The Dannomond Blue is a bit brighter and looks the most different of the three. Still many gyms use all 3 together successfully.

Sky Blue 7 Dannomond PU (large hold) and Blue 13-01 Aragon PU (smaller hold)

Signal Violet - Ok Match
Fiberglass (left) and Dannomond Signal Violet 16 (center triangle) match each other sort of well
Purple 07-13 - Good Match
Dannomond Purple 78 (hold) and Aragon Purple 07-13 (aka 17-13) (right) match pretty well on gym walls

Pink - Not Great Match
Aragon Dayglo Pink 11-25 - Dannomond Fluoro Pink 13 (small triangle) - Aragon Standard Bright Pink 11-26 - Fiberglass Fluoro Pink
Not a great match and Dannomond Fluoro Pink 13 is not guaranteed to be color stable, meaning it may come out more red or more pink depending on the batch. They are working to stabilize it and so check in if you are interested in this color and we'll get a current projection from them. We cannot take returns for color on these, they are "order at your own risk".

Black - Good Match
Fiberglass Black - Aragon Black 18-01 - Dannomond Jet Black 10 (not pictured) all match quite well and also work well with blacks from other manufacturers.

Light Gray - Good Match
Fiberglass Light Gray and Aragon Light Gray 18-12 match fairly well.

White - Good Match
Fiberglass White, Aragon White 12-01 and Dannomond Pure White 79 (not pictured) all go together reasonably well.
The biggest downside of white is that it gets dirty quickly and white PU can yellow over time.
Comparison Charts
~ Your perception of these colors may depend on your monitor, and these are the closest color we could find for digital swatches. For more actual swatches keep scrolling down, and if you are unsure, have questions about a color or color match, or don’t see a color you want, please ask and we can probably help figure it out for you.

Just Aragon Swatches
US / Aragon PU Production
~ Aragon has a wide variety of colors available. If you don’t specify a color choice you will receive each set in whatever color they were pouring when they did your order or whatever they had on the shelf.
~ Specifying colors is free of charge, though sometimes not specifying can make the order come faster.
~ All of these colors are identical to the colors offered by other companies with the same manufacturer in the same material. For Aragon there is only one material available so all Aragon should match all other Aragon as long as you get the same color code.
Color requests can take up to 30 or even 45 days to fulfill, up to 60 days for large orders. Sometimes they can be as fast as a week turnaround. It all depends on how busy our manufacturers are, so let us know if you're on a time crunch or have questions and we'll see what we can do.
Please email with questions.
Please email with questions.
Setter Closet Aragon Standard Colors (US)

Other Normal Colors (US)


Colors are given clockwise from tag:

Extended Palette

These colors are given counterclockwise from tag:

Day Glo

Europe/Composite-X Dannomond PU Production Colors
If you order any of our holds with an X in the SKU they will be made at Composite-X in Dannomond PU.
Dannomond PU currently comes in the following colors, some of which have a good Aragon match, some of which have a loose match, and some of which have no match:

Matching Notes
There are no real perfect matches, but several are pretty close.
Jet Black 10 is the closest match with Aragon black
Comp-X Green 77 and Aragon Green 16-16 are very close
Comp-X Orange 76 and Aragon Orange 14-01 are very close
Dannomond Purple 78 sort of matches Aragon Purple 07-13,
but not always. Dannomond Purple 16, also called Signal
Violet, is a bit lighter than Aragon Purple
Bright Yellow 2 and Sky Blue 7 are not the same as
Aragon Yellow 15-12 and Aragon Blue 13-01
but many people use them together. Yellow is a closer match than blue.
Traffic Red 5 is kinda like Aragon's red 11-24 but not the same.
Lime 69 is supposed to match Aragon's 16-09
but closer to Aragon 16-08
and not a perfect match for either.
Pure White 79 - not guaranteed to stay white,
will yellow with sun/time,
not super bright.
Over the years Composite-X has made lots of different colors in their
different mixes, and Kilter Europe and Urban Plastix Europe are only made in
Dannomond so only Dannomond colors are available and the
color you get is the Dannomond version of the color.
If you have previous holds from Composite-X in another mix and
you want them to match your new holds, please let us
know so we can ask them what colors will work.
Not Recommended
Aragon Alien Green 16-29 is a good match for Dannomond
Fluoro Green 12; except Fluoro Green 12 is not guaranteed
to be stable. Also Fluroescent Pink 13 is not a stable color. These
unstable fluorescents cannot be guaranteed to match anything,
even previous versions of themselves, so we recommend
against them unless you really don't care what color your holds are.
We cannot take color returns on Fluroescent Green 12 or Pink 13
orders, these color are "at your own risk".
Composite-X are currently working to produce matching
colors to the rest of Aragon color palette we use (listed above) as well.